Saturday, April 28, 2012

T minus 2 weeks

T minus 2 weeks until I leave.  Hard to believe.  
Well I've had lots of practice with travel this week.   5 flights in 7 days.  Trips to Portland to see Erin, Phoenix to do the final prep for Ireland and Los Angeles for Scott's choir concert.

I think I am ready to start packing.   I get 42 pounds in one suitcase.   Suitcase is 11 pounds.   It's one of the lightest I could find.   That leaves me 31 pounds.  I need work clothes, plus weekend, plus vacation.   It will rain most days so add in rain gear.   I will have to take public transit so figure in walking shoes as well as office shoes (can't very well show up in tennis shoes to work).   So I figure I get 20 pieces of clothing.   That is not a lot for 8 weeks.    This I want to do well so I am going to start laying out everything this week.

My trip to Arizona was good.  I met 2 really nice people going with me.   Keith Finkle is a really nice young man of 30 who has a great outlook on life - baseball, bbq and beer - and plans to follow those passions.   He got his intern placement with Evo Winery. Why didn't I say I wanted to work with wine!   Duh, I picked business stuff - stupid, stupid stupid.   He's a whole lot smarter than I am.  Keith is also blogging his trip.  Check out Mr Finkle Goes to Dublin.   I'll link to in my list if you want to check out his also.    I also met Terese.  Terese is about my age and has 3 kids of college age too.  She is interested in perhaps going to Rome or other adventures on the weekends so I'll have a travel buddy.   Ireland has a bank holiday on June 4 which I hope means a 4 day weekend.   Will most likely try to go somewhere at least that weekend.

It's getting close....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A new adventure

So many of you know that I went back to school in 2010. I am a student at Arizona State University. My program is interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in organizational managment. Basically its about getting people to do what needs to be done. It's been a struggle some times as I tried to get my rusty brain to remember how to study. Rob has been really supportive. He doesn't even complain about the kitchen table looking like a desk most nights. But that's not the full reason for the blog.

I work for a great company that wants to provide opportunities for us to regenerate and grow. So every 6 years I get a 6 week fully paid sabbatical. I qualified 2 years ago. Now 6 weeks sounds like a great thing but when you don't have the other members of your family also able to clear out 6 weeks of their schedules it can be lonely. I was determined that I would not a) waste it and b) not stay at home. We had lots of talk about what to do but not a lot of decision making.

So when the stars align and the seas part, you have to pay attention. ASU offered a 7 week study abroad opportunity for 2 of my required courses. In fact, one of the classes I was trying to figure out how to do as it is a practical application requiring 125 hours of volunteer work over a 7 or 13 week period. Not possible with a full time family and job. But combine that with sabbatical and it all magically works out.

I registered, was interviewed and accepted into the program. In Dublin, Ireland starting May 14. I will be in a group of 25 other ASU students studying there. Most are typical college age, but 4 of us are in the over 40 crowd. I am now in the final stages of planning to leave Fremont for 7 weeks of school and another week of travel. Rob and the kids will join me week 7 and we'll hang out in Dublin for a week, then hit Edinburgh and London.

Yes, I am leaving home for 2 months
No, Rob is not going with me
Yes, he and the kids will be there are a while, but not until the last 2 weeks.
Yes, I know how old I am
Yes, I probably am crazy but what the heck. Its an opportunity that just put it all together.

Plane tickets were purchased last night so it's official - I'm going to Dublin!