Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dublin Bloom Festival

 Saturday Therese and I headed to Phoenix Park to the Dublin flower show.  This is Ireland's version of the Chelsea show in London.   The sight was huge with indoor and outdoor gardens set up.   Inside there were flower gardens and meadows as well as flower arrangements.   Outside were whole garden's set up, most with water features.   If I could have, I would have bought several specialty plants including this absolutely beautiful blue poppy.  

There were also specialty food vendors showcasing Irish heirloom plants, fruits and vegetables.   We even found the beer garden.  They had the tallest strawberry plants I have every seen.  These must have been at least 18 inches tall and the berries cascaded down rather than sprawling like they do at home.   There was a whisky vendor (it is spelled without the "e" in Ireland)  there who is setting up a new distillery in Dingle, on the southwest coast.   They will be in operation in a year or so and are planning to sell the first 500 barrels as personal casks.   You can buy one, they will store it for 5 years, then bottle 350 private label bottles of your own design.   If I only had enough friends to do this I would.   I've signed up for the info, so if your want a quarter of your own Irish whisky barrel, let me know.    Traffic was a bit bad leaving as the bus system wasn't running well.   We ended up taking a cab back to the train station and from there the light rail and bus back to the apartment.  

We made it back just in time as it started raining and the wind got real gusty.   Therese made a pot of chicken noodle soup and a few of the kids came by for a bowl.   I think it helped with some homesickness for all of us.   It was great getting to know some of the kids better.  They are really a good group.

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