Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Friday Night Fun

One of my favorite  pubs on O'Connell St. was hosting a traditional Irish band on Friday night.   There were 4 musicians, one on violin, one on guitar, one on drum and one playing the Irish pipes.  The pipes are different than bag pipes in that they sit on the lap and are not as shrill.   The music was really good.   I went to Therese and we met a really nice family from Davis Ca.  They were taking a family vacation of about a month, travelling in Scotland and Ireland with their 3 sons.   One had just graduated college, one starting his junior year and the oldest graduated 4 years ago and lived in China teaching English for 2 years.   They were great to chat with. 

Norwegian Choir
We had a whisky instead of beer and it was quite tasty.   The highlight of the night was a visiting choir from Norway.   They were on tour and had sung at St. Patricks earlier in the day and were singing at Mass on Sunday at St. Mary's Pro Cathedral .   They were really having a good time and wanted to sing.  They got the band to play a popular song, No Never No More, about a man who roams the country looking for a good time and decides to come home and settle down.    2 of the Norwegian men knew the song really well which is funny because they didn't speak much English at all.   The group of men then went on to sing a fold song of their own about a young man's wedding and well, they just kind of took over.   Next thing we knew, the band wasn't playing and a choir concert broke out.  After 4 songs the manger George got control back, but not before they had him in the mix too.   It was a lot of fun.  

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