Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dublin City Centre

Davy Byrnes' Pub
Today was a travel near day.   We had a 3.5 hour orientation at Dublin City University first thing, then paid for our trip next weekend to the Cliffs of Mohor and Aran Island.  Right after orientation we bought our student bus passes (I know, but it was 40 Euros cheaper).   Found out later that I need to go get another id card from here that proves I'm a student, my ASU card isn't good enough and it's a 50E fine if I get caught without it, so I'll be heading back to the University tomorrow.    But back to my story,

Cheese shop
Michelle, Terese and I took off to find the right bus to get to the city centre.   After initially being on the wrong side of the street (darn this left hand drive stuff) we got the right bus and took it into town. The downtown centre is a pedestrian only place which is really nice.  It is right off of Trinity College and St. Stephen's Green and very old world and lovely.  Lots of shops and some interesting restaurants and pubs.  We found a great spot for lunch, Davy Byrnes Pub.   One of the people most responsible for Irish Independence, Michael Collins used this pub as a safe house to meet in.    So we ordered our lunch of soup and a half a toastie (panini sandwich) with our pints.  

Then we wandered around town looking for a few items left at home.  One of the cool shops was the cheese shop and it was smelly and awesome!   Terese bought some Irish Cheddar for snacks later.   We took the bus back to the housing units and realized we had been gone for 12 hours.   It was a long time out walking but lots of good sites.

Tomorrow we are off to the Kilmainham Gaol, site of much Irish history and some chilling tales.   I checked the bus schedule and am thinking they could use a few pointers from my friend Dan at work has does a great job of getting the transit times out there.  Not sure if it will take me 23 minutes or 65 minutes to get there so will leave early for our 11:30 appointment.   Just need to make sure I get that 2nd ID card first!

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