Monday, May 14, 2012

Shanowen Square

An Irish Breakfast
Today started with a smart Irish breakfast.   The best part about tea over here is that it tastes like tea and not coffee water.   The scone however was a bit dry but the bacon or rashers as they call it made up for it.  Very good.   Stewed apricots are very tasty too.   I did skip the broiled tomatoes, baked beans and the black and white puddings however.
Dublin City University 
Left the hotel at 11:00 for a short cab fare to the student housing location.   The cab driver told me which pub in the neighborhood to stay out of which is always good to know.     Got my room assignment and found out I am on the 3rd floor in a suite.    Glad I wasn't on the ground floor but my 20 pound backpack and 50 pound suitcase were a trial up 2 flights.     Key locks work backwards here so when you think you have unlocked the door, it is actually deadbolted.   Locked my suite mate in while I was trying to open the front door.    Eventually we figured it out.     Met up with other ASU students for a neighborhood walk at noon and found this cool building on the University campus.   Took a longer walk to the shopping center and bought a few things for the fridge.   I had brought my shopping bag to carry back but think I'll take my backpack next time.  Water gets heavy!

I've met all 3 of my suite mates.  One young student (21ish) - Allie - from University of Michigan.   The other two are the over 40 women from ASU - Michelle and Terese.   I had met them both on previous trips to ASU and we agreed to try to room together.  Works well for us but poor Allie is in the old people.  We'll have to make it work for her which I'm sure we can do.    Michelle arrived about 3:30 and missed the walk so she and I set out to find something for dinner.  Found the local pub doesn't serve food so we had a quick pint and set off again.   Found a chicken takeout place not too far and brought dinner back.  We are settling in and  have orientation in the morning so need to get to sleep but need the sun to go down.  It's 10:00 and still light out.    By June 1 it will be light at 11:00.    Tomorrow will be another adventure day and will find out more about my internship.   I hope to discover it won't be as bad as I think but I may have to ask for a change if it goes how I think it will.  May even have to venture out to the city center on the bus!   So until then, Slán go fóill (Goodbye for now)

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