Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A week in Dublin

Kilmainham Gaol
It is hard to believe I have been a here a week.   I have settled in to a somewhat warped pattern.  Sleep is not coming as easily as at home.   I am up until 1 or 2 and then up at 7.   This will catch up to me I am sure. But, so far we have had a good time.   I have been to Kilmainham Gaol, an 18th century  prison that held most of Ireland's political prisoners in the last 200 years.  It was a cold, bleak place.   The treatment was terrible.   We walked from the Gaol to the Guinness storehouse and tour which definitely was needed to lift the spirits after Kilmainham.   I must say that I have never been a fan of Guinness but I find that it is totally different over here.  It is not bitter at all and is in fact almost creamy.   The Gravity bar at the top of the Guinness storehouse had incredible 360 degree view of Dublin.   Worth the price of admission (which came with a pint to enjoy the scenery with).
Bell tower at Trinity College
We also visited Trinity College and had a chance to see the Book of Kells.  It is pretty fascinating to think of the work done by the monks in 800 AD.  The book is quite remarkable.  The details are astounding.  They change the page every 3 months now, so don't know if I'll get to see another folio, but saw the opening of St. Mathew's Gospel.
Did some walking (ok, a lot of walking) this week and ventured into some side streets.   There is a pub on every corner if not more than one but I have been good and limiting myself to one pint a day so far.
Sunday I went to St. Patricks for Evensong.  Well at least that is where I was headed.   I couldn't find the right street, then I heard the bells.  I just followed the bells, figuring that they would lead me to the right place.   Well I got close.  Christ Church Cathedral has a Sunday afternoon Evensong too and that was where the bells led.   It was good to hear some (almost) familiar liturgy. The crypt is very cool at Christ Church.  They have held services on that spot for 1000 years.
Christ Church Cathedral
Tiles in main aisle at Christ Church
Lunch spot Sunday - ONeills Pub
Did the typical tourist thing and got the on the right bus headed in the wrong direction on Sunday and didn't get back to the flat until 9.   I was behind on homework so spent the next 5 hours trying to get the assignment done and have just now finished the latest set.   Still have more to go for Thurs.    It's like these professors don't realize that this is suppose to be less work than being at work.   I'll have to have a chat with them both.  Things are going well so far and I am looking forward to a good 2nd week.

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