Sunday, July 8, 2012

The gang arrives

Rob and Erin came in Friday the 22nd. Now we had been having terrible weather with gale force winds for several days and their flight was delayed at least an hour. They were due in at 3:30 having arrived at Heathrow earlier in the morning. I didn't hear from them from Heathrow but knew wifi didn't exist there. I was going to shower later and had just made lunch when by chance I checked my email. I had a message from Erin that said "we are Here". But where was "here"? London or did she mean "Dublin". Turns out she meant "Dublin" and they were in 3 hours earlier than I expected. I threw some clothes together and went to the airport. After 6 weeks on my own with my own time schedule wouldn't you know reentry with the family would be not as planned. Got to the airport within 30 minutes. I gave them each their 5 day bus pass and introduced them to Dublin public transit. Bus dropped us off right in front of the hotel. Gave them a quick tour, took them to my favorite pub, Madigans for dinner and a pint and they were asleep by 8. About 5 hours earlier than I was use to. So I watched some Eurocup and did homework. Next day Scott flew in from Austria and we all took the bus. We had a great day walking around Christ Church, Trinity, Temple Bar and Grafton St. Sunday we went to my student housing complex to do Scott's laundry, then toured Kilmainham jail and the Guinness storehouse. My flat mate Therese joined us. We all graduated from the Guinness Academy after learning to pour the perfect pint. Therese and I think we will hang ours next to our ASU diplomas. Wonder if that counts as a double major? I had to work the rest of the week and had class so Rob and the kids found their way around. They even got out to John Kavanagh's pub which is known as the gravediggers pub since it is located next to a major Dublin cemetery. I finished up school work Thursday and posted my final reflections then was READY for holiday.

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