Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last day in Ireland

For our last full day in Ireland we took a trip down south to Waterford and Cashel. Waterford is a major seaport and a very cool town. We visited the Waterford factory where they do still make and cut their presentation pieces and some of their more specialized pieces. Therese joined us for the day. We were 5 of the 8 people on the trip. We saw many special pieces including the National College football trophy that Alabama broke. Ok, we saw a replacement trophy. We also saw several bowls celebrating the Olympics in London. One of the pieces made in Waterford is a centerpiece bowl with shamrocks and Celtic knots engraved around it. The craftsmen were making these bowls and we had a chance to see the bowls being made. I decided this would be a great souvenir from my time in Ireland. (sorry mom but I did buy a piece of Waterford) The bowl was also presented to Barack Obamma. We then went onto the Rock of Cashel. This 9th century site was the home of the high King of Munster who gave the hilltop castle and church complex to the church in 1101 to prevent it from ever being in the hands of his rival king. The complex was breathtaking. 5 years ago workmen uncovered a fresco from before the reformation that had been lime whitewashed over during that time. It preserved some of the mural. The chapel of Cormac was almost complete and again some of the early fresco survived in the chancel We also went to the ruined Castle at Dunamase and climbed among the ruins. From the top we could see far into the Irish countryside. Back in Dublin we had dinner at my new favorite chicken restaurant, Crackbird, which has the best chicken ever. Finished the night at Madigans having a pint with the family and listened to a traditional Irish music band. The evening was topped off when 2 of the patrons decided it was karaoke night and sang. As we were leaving we ran into 2 of my younger classmates and had a chance to say goodbye and wish them well. It was a great last day in Ireland. Hard to believe I am leaving after 7 weeks. I love Ireland and its people. They are warm, welcoming, friendly and proud. They honor and respect their history as a nation and as a people. I can't wait to come back!

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