Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A whirlwind of events

So keeping up with schoolwork became a full time job not to mention the internship job the last 2 weeks. Our research class hit full stride with designing an observation, conducting it and then doing the write up. Even with our choice of the oldest pub in Dublin, The Brazen Head, it was not quite as much fun as we had imagined. After 2 hours of watching groups come and go and basically spying and eavesdropping to get details of origin, purpose and age we got to write up our observations and interpretations. Many people were unnerved by 5 women furiously writing notes about them but only the group of Americans asked what we were up to. Interestingly they were in Dublin to present some qualitative research of their own and completely understood. That paper was followed by a couple tests and a survey design and observation then presentation.
Marienplatz - Munich  (Glockenspiel)

     During the middle of this I took the opportunity to go to Munich and see Scott's choir from Loyola Marymount. I had 2 days to wander before he arrived. Munich is a great city with a strong effort underway to rebuild some of their historic buildings. Which is tough since most were destroyed in WWII. My hotel was right across from the farmers market which was awesome. Going without a decent kitchen and seeing all the fruits, meats and vegetables was tough. Did some sightseeing around the city and even found a cuckoo clock for Rob. Scott's concert was awesome. The church was very ornate with the altar modeled after St Peters in Rome. The church was destroyed in the war and just finished being restored in 2000.
LMU choir singing at Alte Peter - Munich
Scott is the one in the black vest and tie
      I had a little trouble leaving Munich as I realized at the entrance to the underground to the airport my passport was in the hotel room safe. Scrambled back to get it then missed the train to the airport but remembered there were 2 routes. Unfortunately I then got on the right train headed in the wrong direction. Adjusted course and then depended on German efficiency to get me to the airport 30 minutes before the flight left. Breezed through the immigration stuff and was at the gate 20 minutes before the flight left. Whew!  More Munich pics on my facebook page.

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